Thank you to the people who made it possible for CETF to be successful

Finding a viable solution to end the hospitalization and death rate from COVID is no small feat. A lot of people contributed to this effort.
I wanted to acknowledge the very special people whose contributions were essential to our success. This is not in any specific order as it would be too hard to rank order the importance of each of these very special people.
And this is not a complete list. If I left you out, please email me and let me know.
Alban Gaultier
He discovered fluvoxamine reduced inflammation in sepsis in 2019. Brilliant work. This can save 11 million lives a year. Too bad that to this day, nobody would fund the study needed to prove it.
Angela Reierson and Eric Lenze
Angela read the Gaultier paper and then convinced Eric that there was a "there there" and that they should do the trial.
David Seftel
It's rare to find a physician who will read studies in journals and take action on them before a phase 3 trial. We got lucky. I talked about fluvoxamine on Nov 12 when the study came out on Seftel's web conference, and on the same day, there was a massive COVID outbreak at the racetrack where Seftel works part time. Perfect storm. This led to a story on 60 Minutes: Fluvoxamine: Finding a possible early treatment for COVID-19 in a 40-year-old antidepressant - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Syed Haider
He's a teledoc and a super nice guy. He had been prescribing ivermectin to patients and I convinced him to add fluvoxamine to the mix. 100 patients later, he couldn't believe the results: 100% of the 100 patients improved after starting the drug so no hopitalizations and no deaths. It was a dramatic improvement over ivermectin alone.
Pierre Kory
When I can't believe how people are ignoring the data, I call Pierre and cry on his shoulder. When he gets his papers rejected after passing peer review, he calls me to cry on my shoulder. He's basically carrying the ball for ivermectin (and doing a superb job) while I am carrying the ball for fluvoxamine. It was his Senate testimony that convinced me ivermectin was the real deal.
Peter Stein
Janet Woodcock
Chris Austin
Patrick Collison, CEO of Stripe, Tyler Cowen of Fast Grants
Amazingly helpful in too many ways to list. Could not have done this with their help. Patrick thinks like I do: a singular focus on how to we minimize the death rate from COVID and we are putting our brains and financial assets behind that goal.
Susanne and Bill Losch
They contributed $100K at the very start when we had just a vision and on December 29, right at the time we really needed the funds, came through with an extraordinary $250K donation in unrestricted funds. But it was Susanne who connected me with Dr. Seftel at exactly the right time. The world owes her a huge debt of gratitude.
Adam D'Angelo, CEO of Quora
Adam is a super hero. When I was banned for life for Medium for posting information that fluvoxamine was 100% successful in clinical studies, Adam welcomed me with open arms at Quora and said that valid and helpful information would be protected. We talked for over an hour by zoom. Adam allowed me to publish valuable advice that have helped thousands of people without being censored.
Congress members Jackie Speier, Bill Foster, Anna Eshoo
All have been helpful in advancing the cause. Bill Foster has spent the most personal time on this making calls in support of fluvoxamine. Jackie Speier in the week of Feb 15, brought the fluvoxamine EUA to the attention of Francis Collins, Tony Fauci. Apparently Francis Collins was unaware that a double blind study was done. Anna Eshoo's office help us get BARDA's attention.
Carl Page
Carl is not only a generous donor to CETF, but he's just put in enormous time in helping to get things done. Carl and his wife Barbara are both very very special people.
Ed Mule
Ed has made multiple grants and helped us in many other ways. He's one of our largest donors.
Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, USC
Doctor Klausner a famous infectious disease docs was a skeptic at first. But he was open minded and when he read the data he became one of our most helpful advocates. Not only was he instrumental in getting the Phase 3 trial advertisements placed on positive covid test result pages, but he single-handedly organized (and paid for) a briefing of infectious disease docs which resulted in an overwhelming vote to support the use of fluvoxamine for COVID using a shared decision-making process. After that panel met, he wrote what I consider one of the most important op-eds on the use of repurposed drugs in a pandemic. Everyone should read his op-ed.
Dr. Vikas Sukhatme and Vidula Sukhatme
It was Dr. Joe Ladapo who told me, "you should talk to this guy Vikas at Emory."
Boy was he right. Not only is Vikas one of the smartest guys I've ever met (he's got an h-index of 104), but he's also one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He's a world expert on repurposed drugs, and as if that wasn't enough, he's the Dean of the School of Medicine at Emory University.
He was the first Dean of a med school in America to call for the use of fluvoxamine on a shared decision making basis which he did on December 22, 2020 on this video on the Doctor's Channel.
He's also written a brilliant op-ed on how to test drugs during a pandemic.
If President Biden were to assemble a blue-ribbon task force on how to reform the medical system, Dr. Sukhatme would get my vote as the most important participant.
Emerald Yeh
9-time Emmy award winning journalist tireless tried to get attention to this from political leaders and the mainstream media and was turned down every place she tried. Nobody paid any attention.
Malathi Srinivasan MD (Stanford University)
A great friend in need. We collaborated extensively at the very beginning of the pandemic on how to make a difference and have kept in touch throughout the pandemic. If you live in SF Bay, Malathi can be seen regularly on CBS-KPIX “Medical Mondays.”
Glenn Kramon, NY Times
He helped edit my op-eds and get them placed. No better editor than Glenn. He was unable to get traction in any newspaper in the country.
Dr. Robert Siliciano, Our SAB chair
Our SAB members
The pioneers
- David Seftel, MD
- Alex Natividad, MD
- Karl Steinberg, MD
Mark travis
David K. Stevenson, MD, Stanford
Astakhov vadim
Rick sheridan
Trevor gilmore
Evan matteo
Amy baxter
Nevan Krogan, UCSF
Sulggi lee, UCSF
Joe ladapo MD
Steven kern @ gates
Flulab staff
Tom vilsack
Jeff skoll
Skoll staff
Bunting team
Joe Simitian and team
Josh becker and team
Liz blackburn
Eshoo and her minion
CETFstaff: Lisa, Tom, Hilary, Julie,
Allison team
Our scientists, boulware vinetz, ...
Bert v
Northwestern flv trial